May 12th, 2020 Transits - The Moon

Human Design Transits

So let's talk about transits! More specifically, let's talk about the Moon. The Moon goes through 2 or 3 Gates per day, but let's cover only one of the Gates that it'll be in today. You may know the Moon as currently in Aquarius (at least with Tropical Astrology). But in Human Design, at 3:22 PM EST until 1:59 AM, the Moon will be in the Root Center's Gate 41. This is called "The Gate of Contraction". It comes with the "Pressure to feel, the desire for a new experience."

In Human Design, the Moon is a DRIVING FORCE. It's something that is driving us to do this or that (in an emotional sense). In Astrology, the Moon is how we go about & process our emotions. It also reveals your temperament. Today, you may feel the simple pressure to feel something or some kind of pressure for a new experience. But how this manifests itself depends on the aspects made in your birth chart + the house it is transiting.

11th house Astrology

For example, the Moon is transiting my 11th House (I go by traditional rulership, so disregard Uranus). What's the 11th House all about? Groups/Social Circles, where/how you fit in, and if you think about how the 10th House is about career + public image, the 11th House builds on that and can show you how you can gather the fruits of your labor! This house has a lot of stacked themes, so let's keep this simple and focus on the hopes & dreams part (as seen in the image above).

The Moon being in my 11th House plus the Gate of Contraction is no joke! There is this PRESSURE for me to make my hopes & dreams come true. I am currently trying to initiate a lot into my life. There's so much I want to release (in terms of services) and so many things I want to get done. I feel this PRESSURE or DESIRE to get to the next thing. See what I am getting at? If this was transiting my 10th House, it'd be more centered around a pressure to start a new career or have a different public image or something of the sort.

All in all, you may feel this PRESSURE or DESIRE for something new. What that "something" is will depend on house placement and aspects made. Gate 41 is a Gate of fantasy. There is a lot of dreams, hopes, and desires attached to it. There's this feeling of restlessness (and sometimes confusion) that comes with this Gate. So these themes may apply to you.

The Moon is also square my Sun right now (you can always just look at your Human Design body graph to see the Gates of your personal placements. Your Tropical Astrology planets will be shown as the Personality planets in Human Design). My Sun is in Gate 28 which is called "Gate of the Game Player". It comes with a fear of death/purpose. Another fear is that life may have no purpose if you don't take risks. Or that you take risks out of fear. It also comes with the awareness to struggle for a purpose (or not).

So it's like the Moon is PRESSURING me to do things and it's squaring my Sun, so it's kind of "fighting" with me and my want for PURPOSE in life. It's like there's a struggle between finding something new and finding purpose with no apparent middle ground between the two. Almost as if these two things are at odds and struggle to get their energy out. Which is actually true for me right now! I am beginning to feel that struggle between these 2 aspects of my life. The Sun is the dominant part of who we are, and it's like that dominant part of who I am is fighting with what the Moon is trying to bring into the fold.

So to summarize what you may feel from 3:22 PM EST to 1:59 AM EST, you may feel the PRESSURE or DESIRE for something new. You may also experience confusion with what you feel in general. You may feel like you want something new or want to change something, but may not be sure exactly WHAT. You just FEEL that way. But again, this all depends on house placement and aspects made as to how this will manifest into your life today.

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