Knowing Your Body Graph: Personality/Design

Human Design Personality PlacementsHuman Design Design Placements


If you've ever looked at your Human Design body graph, you may have noticed you have a Design side and a Personality side. The design rules all the red stuff in your body graph, the personality rules all the black stuff. If you're familiar with Astrology, all your placements are the same. They show up as your Personality side. So if you have a Scorpio Sun, it's still a Scorpio Sun. It's just in a hexagram/gate that rests in that portion of the wheel for Human Design. 

You may also notice there's an Earth sign! The Earth sign is 180 degrees away from your Sun sign. So a Scorpio Sun would have a Taurus Earth. We don't really use the zodiac signs in HD, but I figured it'd help make you familiar with it. 

The Personality side is your conscious self. The Design side is your sub/unconscious self. It tends to rule more bodily things. Every placement in your Design side is calculated by going back 88 Sun degrees before your Personality Sun. So 88 days before your birth. And it doesn't matter if you had an induced conception or whatever. It doesn't skew the results.

So, as a rule of thumb, you can look around your body graph and see what's more "conscious" to you (the black lines) and what is more "sub or unconscious" to you (the red lines). It may help you to view it in that sense.Human Design Body Graph

This is my friend's body graph. If you look at the Sacral Center (red square), it has a red line running all the way to the Identity Center (Yellow diamond) and a black line extending from the Throat Center (Square above the identity). 

The Identity/Sacral Centers have a sub/unconscious connection. The Sacral is a generative energy & the Identity is all about your identity/path in life. So you can surmise that he subconsciously generates his path & it is consciously expressed/manifested through his Throat Center. 

That's a very general way of putting it, but you can interpret it like that because it IS kinda true for him. There's other reasons for why that is too, but that doesn't matter right now. The point is you can see how the themes of each center work consciously or not. You may also notice he has a different channel that is completely conscious (all black line, no red spots) from the Sacral to Identity. So in a sense he generates/attracts his path consciously too. But there's two sides of it.

The red line from the Identity to Sacral is an integration channel. So that's more rooted into subconsciously attracting events in life that help him integrate himself as an individual. The black channel is more about consciously manifesting transitions in his overall life. But again, this is me just generalizing things in order to get you to conceptually understand the concept of Personality and Design placements.

Personality placements are conscious. They are things you have to actively think about and use. Design placements are subconscious. You do these things by design. Your Design placements will always act right as long as your Personality placements are in check! 

If you want to find out more, please check out my services!


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