The 4 Types in Human Design: Reflectors

In Human Design, there's 4 "types" you can be (technically 5). There's Manifestors, Generators (And Manifesting Generators), Projectors, and Reflectors. About 70-75% of the ppl in this world are Generators/Manifesting Generators. About 8-10% are Manifestors. About 14-16% are Projectors. And about 1-3% are Reflectors. These aren't exact numbers, but they're given to illustrate a point. Less and less Manifestors are currently being born into the world, and more and more Projectors are finding their way in.
But let's talk about Reflectors!
They literally reflect everything. They are SUPER RARE. They have NO defined energy centers. When an energy center is undefined, that means you take it in from your environment/other people. For this reason, Reflectors are called what they are. They reflect their environment and/or other ppl's energy. They are literally designed to be conditioned by their environment.
According to most Human Design Analysts, these are Lunar types meaning their only real strategy is to follow the Lunar Cycle. I slightly agree although I wouldn't follow it to a T personally. Reflectors follow a certain cycle, and if you are one, you can track it if you start at the Gate your Moon defines and track its transits through all 64 gates. Some days a Reflector can act/become other types (in a manner of speaking) due to transits defining certain gates/channels.
However, important thing to understand here is that Reflectors follow a cycle of patterns/habits (as do most people, but it's more emphasized for Reflectors). So knowing your patterns/habits is a MUST. This will help you predict your life as a Reflector.
As a Reflector, you may need a considerable amount of alone time (as do Projectors to be honest). But they also need consistent/reliable people around them. They are easily conditioned by their environment so the best thing for them to do is to go by what they feel and stay around SECURE and RELIABLE people.
If your environment doesn't make you feel good, then you need to try and avoid it. When it comes to big decisions, it is advised to wait for a lunar cycle to finish (your Lunar Return). And if you don't have clarity, wait again for the next one (if you can). This is where knowing your patterns/habits comes into play. If you know your patterns/habits, you'll be able to predict the times you gain clarity. You'll be able to recognize the process.
Again, Reflectors (generally speaking) reflect any energy they come in contact with. They are NON-ENERGY TYPES. Since a non-energy type is centered around awareness, they take in motor/action energy and give out their awareness of it all. Although it's a little different as a Reflector. It's more than them giving out their awareness. It's more so them sharing their experience. Reflectors are meant to reflect their experiences so others can learn from it and understand how the environment is operating.
Everything a Reflector tends to reflect is a specific reflection because of all their hanging gates. Those gates filter how they reflect energy and what they retain. If you would like to find out more, check out my services!